For me Maggie Stiefvater has not made a misstep yet. Nearly everything about her writing and her books is just perfect. Stiefvater always creates a rich, atmospheric setting. It almost leaps from the page. In The Dream Thieves, the town of Henrietta is almost as much of a character as the characters themselves. And speaking of characters, I love these Raven Boys, Gansey, Ronan, Adam, Noah. And I am blown-away with how well Stiefvater describes a tight-knit group of boys. Another thing to love about this book: 300 Fox Way. That house of psychics, Maura, Orla, Calla, Persephone, makes me so happy. Happy because there are some adults in the story, and they are even semi-responsible (yeah!), and they play a big role in action. Blue continues to be a rock. She's not quite as dominant in this book as she was in The Raven Boys, but there are some heartbreaking moments with Gansey. The Grey Man even turns out to be a surprising favorite. The Dream Thieves is predominantly Ronan's tale, and somehow, with Ronan, Stiefvater has crafted a character that is tough and vulnerable all at once.
I love a great, original concept, and The Dream Thieves has it. The supernatural elements in this story--Ronan's big secret, Adam as eyes and hands of Cabeswater--will not disappoint. I can't not mention Stiefvater's writing. It is gorgeous as always. I'm really enjoying her foray into the third person. Stiefvater's books are almost impossible to read quickly because the language is just too beautiful to rush. Stiefvater has mentioned that The Dream Thieves was a difficult book to write, and I believe it. It's a puzzle that has to come together perfectly, but I think she pulled it off splendidly.
The only thing that I wish I could change about this book is when I read it. The book is set in the hot, steamy days leading up to the 4th of July. How wonderful it would have been to pair this book with the summer stickiness.
The Dream Thieves is out September 17th, 2013.

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